Wednesday, October 26, 2005

more random thoughts - repost 9-1-05

more random thoughts
this is just so unreal to me. I went outside and just looked at my garden. one lone rosebush, a wandering jew, spider plant, cannas, one hibiscus, and a lot of weeds. But I sat and looked at it for a long time. I've been meaning to do some weeding and tending, but it's been so dang hot outside. 100+ lately. As I was sitting there, a passing thunder storm blow up and dropped some rain on us. just sat there and listened to the thunder. It only lasted about half an hour and blew itself out. But I been doing alot of thinkin, alot of remembering. How funny to be in the early 30's and be in this spot.We've been working on the getting the mortgage paperwork on the house done. We've lived here 5 years, renting to own, but now W is going thur a divorce, and we need the title in our names before the soon to be ex-wife gets her claws into our house. This process has been going on since april, and has hit several major snags here and there, but we maybe finial in the home stretch.

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