Tuesday, October 24, 2006

goings on.....

Well, it's been a little while since I posted. Remiss I know, but only so many hours in a day, and way too many responsiblities.

Dang it, I want be a kid again!!!! Just go to school, someone else has to worry about meeting the bills, driving the car, getting to things on time, and making things work.

So the job, things are crazy and uncertain. I dont like uncertain. I want some security in my job. BUT, our lovely corprate office has decided that our work productivity is too low and they have to cut more people from the staff. WTF!!!!!! We're already working a skeletan crew, especially on nights. Who else are you gonna cut and still provide SAFE care to our patients? Our unit is making money, and have a high patient satisfaction, but even if it's not broken yet, lets see if we can screw it up. Stupid pencil pushers. We are already top heavy, way too many chiefs and not enough indians. The actually bedside nurses and aids are running like mad, while the administration is busy coming up with more demands on our time, more paper work, and less and less help. ACK! I am only human, no where in the job description did it say I had to be wonder woman or super girl. I left my cape at the dry cleaners 'kay.

Anyway, so the lawyers have not gotten back in touch with me lately, so I am gonna have to call them. Yuk. It just depresses me when I have to talk to them. I just dont know if anyone is actully going to fight for and belive in me. I just dont have the confedence in the process. I dont want to have to sue someone, but here I am having to do this hateful thing. The insurance companies are like the mob, you pay them for protection, EVERY month, and then in an emergancy, they put the blame on the victim, and tortur him/her. I know I am bitter at this point, and have lost faith in the system.

I work hard, two jobs and go to school much of the time. Drive two kids back and forth to after school activities, keep the house, take care of my parents, and now have to do battle with Allstate. I am so freak'n depressed.

oh well, gotta go watch a movie with the family. "Over the hedge."


1 comment:

Mother Jones RN said...

Sorry things are going poorly at work. I hate pencil pushers, too. They keep cutting staff until a patient dies, and then they try and blame the nurses. It sucks.