Thursday, October 07, 2004

To really screw up you need a computer

Computer problems. my system has been having problems and due to work and my messed up sleep schedule I have been unable to complete de-bug it. So I cant get to the internet. I have fixed the problem where it freezes before completing the startup process. At least some progress there. Anyway it is frustrating due to my dependance on the internet and my computer for things like banking and bill paying, email and a connection with the outside world. Pudunk Texas is just so removed from the rest of the world. It's like living in a freaking episode of the twillight zone where everything is encased in a bubble and not aging or moving forward for 20 years behind the rest of the world.

Whinning, tantrum throwing children. Oh God love 'em. God give me the patients to change the things I can, the wisdom to know the difference and a really big stick to beat them with.

A former co-worker of mine died. She was mid-40's, charge nurse, very caring, someone I liked. Aleatha. Very upsetting in a vague, I dont get it, sort of way. Today was the funeral, and I had class. Was so tired after working 12 hours and going to class. Came home and slept till the children bounded in and woke me up after they got home from school.

Anyeay, There's been so many things I wanted a chance to write about this week, and have been unable to d/t the computer problems. Now as I sit in front of the keyboard they have gone away.

I did get out from under my contract with Rue, the damn money grubbing basterds. I have paid them over $800.00 but at least I dont have to pay them anything more.

Anyway, that's the update as of today, and I can remember.

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