Sunday, September 03, 2006

Life is soooo unfair

So I had this great post written up...and the freaking computer ate it.

Anyway, to try and recreate it. I was ranting on things. Katrine and Rita. Government programs, and general social commentary. My job and school. The kids, husband and friends. Gone, poof, lost to the cyber gawds.

Anyway.... some of the highlights.

Several years ago, while trying to get my son's SSI renewed. I had recently graduated from nursing school, and my husband was working at one of the correctional compounds. We went in to provide our yearly documentation. Yes our son was still Autistic, yes he still needed special medical and psychological services. Yes our insurance still did not cover it, and finally, this is how much money we make, just peek into our private financial matters by coping our tax returns. We made $32 too much to continue to qualify for help with our son. He will be autistic for his entire life, and he will need special accommodations for his entire life. BUT because we both worked, and both were trying to meet the needs of our household. We didn't qualify for government help with him. The lady taking our information has the nerve to turn to me, and say if I would divorce my husband, and reapply, we would qualify for a full gambit of services. WTF??? Then she says that as long as we didn't mention that hubby lived at home, nothing else would really have to change. Just our legal status as married. Talk about a marriage penalty. Some people might go ahead and take that road, but I feel like that is wrong and unethical. So we just pay out of pocket for the things he needs. Let me tell ya, it ant cheap.

So fast forward a few years. Here we are hearing all week about the anniversary of Katrina. I live at hurricane Rita ground zero. So my sympathy went out the door about 11 months ago. About the time we started trying to rebuild our lives and faces wall after wall, because the folks from the Big Easy, had abused the help given to them. So the citizens of Texas and southwest LA, pay the price for the abuse. WE just rolled up our collective sleeves, broke out the chain saws, put on some grubby clothes, tolerated sweltering heat, and pulled ourselves up by the boot straps. Meanwhile the new oleans folks are out, living on luxury cruise ships, getting government sponsored tattoos, more aid and charity than you can shake a stick at, and lapping it up, standing around with hands out stretched demanding more of my tax dollars for free. WTF??? My family and I did get the living expenses 2 grand, but that was it.... And it took all of that to just compensate for being forcible exiled from home for three weeks, with little more than the clothes on our backs. FEMA, did not impress me, where is my flat screen TV? or my new hud house? or my celebrity star studded aid concert? Most folks may not know it, but the Katrina and Rita funds are totally separate. One does not cover expenses for the other. And here is the real kicker. Those that evacuated from New Oleans and came here.... They got benefits from BOTH!!!!! *smacking head on wall* How did that come about again?

Okay switching gears. The house is finally "The Banks", and in bout 15 -20 years ours. I got my but in gear and am currently taking the last two classes required for the upward mobility nursing program. So, God willing, next June I can start the program. After talking to my sister-in-law this afternoon, I think we will be sending the kids to spend next summer in Alaska with the family there. It will give the family time to see the kids, the kids time to really get to know the whole family there, and give me time to concentrate on school. So kinda a two birds for one stone thing.

Let's see..... There was more I really wanted to go over, but just haven't remembered yet. I do plan on trying to update. Just a matter of finding a few spare moments here and there. Time is a very precious commodity around this household.

Oh yeah. Martial Arts class. Started that this last June. Was looking for something for the boy child to get involved in as an activity. Well, cant have just one kid involved and not the other. So then the hubby decided that he wanted to go as well. Would be good training to help him out in the field. As a cop, any advantage is a good one. Then they all turn to me with questioning eyes and bullied me into it. So now the whole family is taking classes. Not bad really. It is something we can do together. The kids class is first, followed by the adults class. Four nights a week. The hubby, the daughter, and myself have now achieved our first belt. Yellow. The boy has his yellow strip, possible to get his belt at the next rank test. We are taking a mixed martial arts, self defense flavor of karate. Little of this and that thrown in for better on the street usage.

This is not some cookie cutter, money making, never helpful in real life school. He's not a francaise, its a private studio with a 5th degree karate black belt as instructor/owner. He also works at the county wide jail...Hence how G knows the guy. They bump into each other when G arrests people and had to bring them in. Despite to popular belief, we really do have a full jail, not just a two cell Mayberry drunk tank.

yes yes now I remember... the very peeving me off, munched post. I was complaining about never having time.

The girl child has softball (fall ball, all tournament play) practice twice a week, with games on the weekends. As mentioned before martial arts four nights a week. My school all day on Wednesday. My working every weekend, and G's weird ass, flip flop never can remember it so I have to write it down, work schedule. Can you see where this might not add up? Trust me it, don't. The girl child misses karate twice a week currently, and I end up missing all of her softball. The neighbor ends up taking her at least once a week. His daughter and ours are best friends, and they are never far apart if possible. Anyway, the neighbor also happens to be one of G's best friends in the whole world. Or as G says, his beeiatch. (like bitch, but a kinda ghetto pronunciation.)

So that's it for now. I have learned however to start saving my posts as drafts frequently while working on them.


2 Second Club ® said...

I don't know what is it about what you write that makes me keep coming back.. thanks for passing by..

Tracy said...

Hey, I looked at your 9/11 pictures and read last years post. But it really does seem like just yesterday. I enjoy your blog and have been trying to keep up with it.